I’ve spent my life asking myself existential questions. When I didn’t have the answers, I asked who should have known them: teachers, priests, scientists, politicians, managers. But most of the time the answers didn’t arrive, or they didn’t live up to expectations, due to their superficiality and generality.
Today life is urgent. We are at the reckoning. We can no longer delegate the answers to others. We need to be protagonists of our own lives and draw directly from the source. The speed with which events unfold before us is staggering. Have you noticed that time has contracted? Do you too perceive an intense acceleration of things, of events?… it is as if the hands of the clock had changed rhythm. The world is running. You look back at yesterday and you realize that years have passed, in an instant, compressed like a closed accordion, between the folds of time. But did we wonder what the world is racing towards? Why does this happen and what is the purpose?
I ask you to slow down for a moment now. Treat yourself to a few moments of slow life. Be aware, through the rhythm of your breath. Raise your head, straighten your back with a dignified attitude and offer yourself the time to take three deep breaths with your eyes closed. Count to 6 on the inhale and again 6 on the exhale, and then again. Let the thoughts slip out of you and listen to the natural beat of your heart. Synchronize with it and allow 7 to your breath to envelop you like a wave that caresses you, that moves away and then returns, light but firm, vigorous like the pure energy that animates Life, powerful like the creative force that holds up the Universe, free like the sap flowing from roots to leaves, as beautiful as the artwork of creation and as fearless as the laws of Nature that govern it.
Today, more than ever, we need to feel that we are here, that we are part of Nature as human beings, as pulsating life on the planet, in a present that is continually renewed, moment after moment. Being aware of oneself, of one’s uniqueness, of the irreplaceable identity that each of us projects into the world is the best attitude with which we can face this era of transition, of sieving, as stimulating as it is insidious and full of traps.
The very first trap is the very concept of identity itself. People no longer know who they are because the society of control, with which we are stuffed, has undertaken, without any authorization, the building of an external model for the “consumer” individual in which to identify, which represents a hypothetical identity vocation created “at the table”, based on the more or less effective adherence to the prototype of the ideal citizen of the third millennium.
The achievement of a digital identity reigns supreme, which is currently taking shape and substance in the relationships of the individual with the public administration, but which has the pressing objective of making us a unique code, an algorithm that can be read by technological tools, capable of authorizing or blocking actions, such as purchases, access to services and even medical care, depending on whether or not one is in possession of the requisites that the social structure imposes.
Then we have a gender identity, which in spite of any evolutionary biological law, offers the possibility of choosing, according to a distorted and exploited concept of freedom, the sex we want to embody from an early age, based on the subjective perception of one’s own sexuality, often without taking into account the cultural, social and family conditioning that influence the mental image of one’s self, as well as hiding and trapping the deep perception of the biological self.
Added to all this there is the cultural legacy, or rather the cultural illiteracy, of the consumer society of the last thirty years which has literally infused the new generations with the concept according to which identity is not in being, but in having, in possessing what is supposed to give happiness and so the ego is recognized in the money and in the fame of the millionaire soccer player, in the popularity of the influencer on social media, in the notoriety of the successful entrepreneur, in the veneration of the guru or in the privileges of elite.
The achievement of a digital identity reigns supreme, which is currently taking shape and substance in the relationships of the individual with the public administration, but which has the pressing objective of making us a unique code, an algorithm that can be read by technological tools, capable of authorizing or blocking actions, such as purchases, access to services and even medical care, depending on whether or not one is in possession of the requisites that the social structure imposes.
All this has created a perfect diversion from self-exploration. It has removed even the most hidden doubts about the fact that one must dig deep inside to show oneself one’s true identity, the hidden nature of the biological uniqueness that distinguishes every single individual, built in the experiential stages of one’s life and evolution. A research operation that could prove extremely painful and difficult to manage for many, due to the fear of rummaging through the folds of the unconscious and finding piles of rubble, unresolved traumas, open wounds, missed desires, disillusioned hopes, shortcomings, losses. In short, small or big pains which, although in truth only images, constructions of the mind based on interpretative representations and not on objective realities, are perceived as psychic boulders that make us feel extremely vulnerable.
The feeling of vulnerability of the individual, closely connected to the fear of death, is the infernal trap on which today’s social system bases its policies of control and measurability of the human being. The individual who is afraid has no desire to seek his own biological identity and get in touch with his own soul (from the Greek psyché (ψυχή), the soul, the psychic sphere, the breath, the vital breath that gives life), because this would give him an autonomy and freedom that he feels unable to manage. And so, he willingly accepts that a digital identity is attributed to him by third parties, a brand that allows him to control his every action, which makes him feel illusoryly protected, but which in fact measures its impact on the use of resources, its carbon footprint, as it is called today and which verifies compliance with all pre-established social norms, regardless of whether they implement or not citizen’s happiness and well-being.
Today we are at a crossroads. Our choices will determine the world of the future. Those who have delegated the decisions concerning the destiny of humanity to third parties, trusting governments and political and health governmental institutions, probably have not yet realized how crucially important the direction that will be taken for the future of man and of the community. It is not simply a question of a rearrangement of the productive structure, of social relations or a renewal of infrastructures, telecommunications or current technologies, as has happened in the past in many epochal passages of history, but of a real anthropological transition which, if triggered, it could lead us to such a radical change in human nature, as to irreparably and definitively compromise our evolutionary relationship with the ecosystem in which we live.
The feeling of vulnerability of the individual, closely connected to the fear of death, is the infernal trap on which today’s social system bases its policies of control and measurability of the human being.
My dual academic training in the biological, emotional and working fields in the technological sector of cybersecurity has allowed me to notice some worrying distortions in social dynamics, which have occurred with arrogance in recent years, so-called pandemics, which in my opinion, if not managed in time, could strongly contribute to starting this transition by sliding at least two thirds of mankind into the transhumanist technological era which, as described in the last chapter of my book “From Carbonium to Silicon – The Era of Transhumanist Technology“, is an era in whose human-machine hybrids will be piloted remotely, unaware of the Matrix that controls their operations, needs, desires and life span. Transhumans totally dependent and unable to detach themselves from the operations center that manages the network, the connected mass, for fear of losing the presumed benefits on which they base their paper happiness and thus remain deprived of everything, like a parasite suddenly detached from its passive food source.
A society entirely founded on As-a-Service in the cloud, in which you practically own nothing, but everything you need is provided in service mode, obviously managed and monitored through cloud technologies with remote control, recognition algorithms based on anthropometric metadata and the possibility of collecting telemetry (all system information) from devices, even from those integrated with the human body, to have full availability of the information involved in the provision of services or to verify potential cyber-attacks that will threaten the devices technological.
We have already started with microchips in the hand or wrist to manage home automation, such as automatically opening the entrance door, the gate or the garage, turning on the lights, the television, the heating, raising the shutters or opening the curtains, to continue with the integration of the credit card data into the micro-device to make contactless digital payments in shops, bars, restaurants, etc.. They are all applications already available on the market, while many others are under development, such as neural chips that can be implanted in the individual’s feeling of vulnerability, closely connected to the fear of death, is the infernal trap on which today’s social system bases its policies of control and measurability of the human brain of Elon Musk’s Neuralink, which received in May 2023 from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency for the regulation of food and pharmaceutical products of the United States, the authorization to experiment with implants on humans, despite has
caused the death of thousands of animals used as guinea pigs in recent years.
We are rapidly moving from IoT (Internet of things) to IoB (Internet of bodies). Smart City and Smart Factory projects are multiplying also thanks (alas) to the extension of satellite networks in orbit, which have the objective to ensure 5G signal coverage even in the most remote corners of the territory, where the optical fiber cannot reach, to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of services such as autonomous driving and who knows what other devilry.
What level of awareness does humanity need to profitably use the tools that the technological development of our age is making available to us at a staggering speed?
I’m not against progress or even against technology, but are we sure this is what our evolution needs? What level of awareness does humanity need to profitably use the tools that the technological development of our age is making available to us at a staggering speed?
This is the crucial question we must ask ourselves. And it is so important that it cannot ignore our commitment, as single individuals, to deeply understand who we are, to understand the matrix of which we are made and in which we are immersed, to know the laws of nature that govern us within the ecosystem in which we live, which is an integral part of us, and not something separate and foreign.
For this purpose, I wrote the essay “From Carbon to Silicon“, the result of passionate research and my studies of the last twenty years. I felt the urgency of divulging information that could make people more aware, especially those who, out of supposed inadequacy, or just out of laziness, only access the news broadcasts by the mainstream media, because this is the time to choose between the wheat and the weeds. It’s time to stop being lukewarm and indecisive.
We can no longer postpone or procrastinate because we are already on the threshold of an epochal change, of a far-reaching anthropological passage. Ye,t it is up to us to decide whether to take the step towards the digital and pseudo-ecological transition of control, towards that synthetic world which I defined Silicon, in which reigns the delusional principle of Baconian memory, according to which the human mind can and must dominate Nature, or, operate the conscious change towards the true essence of the natural Carbon Man, which is the deity, educating ( from the Latin educĕre which means ‘to bring out’, to breed, to extract) the divine potential that is genetically part of us and to make full use of the sophisticated technology with which we have been gifted since our origins, still largely unacknowledged, made up of a network of thousands of billions of cells in close communication with each other and with the “natural cloud”, represented by the cosmic information field, through sophisticated electromagnetic signal antennas made up of our DNA, an extremely advanced technology of whose potential we know only a few percentage units, despite the recent studies of quantum physics and epigenetics have opened up important windows of knowledge in this area.
However, the orientations of modern techno-science(uh) are different and correspond exactly to the reductionist ideology founded on mechanicism, of soul-less matter, which for centuries has cloaked itself in the official nature of science and in fact has dominated the scene without interruptions, supported by always from the political and economic structures in power.
The explosion of deterministic technique, increasingly distant from direct contact with natural rhythms and laws, has resulted in an unprecedented technological evolution, starting from the years between the second and third millennium, aimed at amplifying the methods of communication, the availability of information, work efficiency and production processes.
Just think of the internet revolution of the 90s, bluetooth and all related applications, VoIP protocols for making calls without the phone, social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube and dozens of others, to Google’s satellite maps, to smartphones, which have now become the extension of the upper limbs of Millennials and Centennials, the generations of digital natives, not to mention digital encyclopedias, electronic money, such as Bitcoin and its basic infrastructure, the blockchain, with hundreds of possible applications, in the financial sector and beyond, not to mention the first rudimentary applications of artificial intelligence in digital assistants such as Siri or Alexa, which will soon lead to telemedicine, for making diagnoses and prescribing medical therapies for distance, with the help of GPT Chatbots, machine learning and then again the use of streaming platforms, virtual and augmented reality of the Metaverse, biometric facial recognition systems, with fingerprint or iris and again, the quantum processor of quantum computing which has the aim of replacing the computing power of traditional computers.
The downside of this great technological explosion is that, in spite of everything, people are sicker and sicker, teenagers are increasingly alone, despite having thousands of virtual “friends” the suicide rate among young and very young people has increased drastically, the attention span is ever shorter, on the order of a few seconds, the use of the pen to write has fallen out of favor. On the other hand, new forms of delinquency have arisen, such as cyberbullying and cybercrime, thefts of sensitive data are multiplying with requests for ransom in digital currency and the distribution of wealth and wellbeing among the people it is increasingly unfair, focusing on a small number of the super-rich at the expense of a large mass that is increasingly in economic difficulty.
The era of delegation, standardization and mind-leveling is over. The time has come to roll up your sleeves and found a new society based on the individual, in which the talent and uniqueness of every single man and woman are the great resources for all of society…
What’s not working? Why doesn’t such a great movement of intelligence and innovation correspond to an equally explosion of well-being?
My thesis is as simple as it is disarming. If technological and scientific progress is supported exclusively by the ego and by the desire to dominate and control events and resources of our planet, without seeking a constructive alliance with Nature, without fully knowing the Laws and Principles that govern it , deprived of the trust and the love, that distinguish feeling part of Nature itself, aware that we are not only matter, but also Spirit and expansion of the divine essence, we will not be able to enter the flow of the original coherence, indispensable for the evolution of consciences and to the re-establishment of that psycho-energetic balance which is the natural state of well-being.
But all is not lost. The era of delegation, standardization and mind-leveling is over. The time has come to roll up your sleeves and found a new society based on the individual, in which the talent and uniqueness of every single man and woman are the great resources for all of society, a world where one stops challenging Nature, chasing after the immortality of the body, pretending to overcome the biological limits of aging and disease (not really understanding the profound biological meaning) by producing individuals in series in artificial wombs or creating human-technological hybrids to enhance their genetics and physical and cognitive characteristics, practically deluding themselves that they are replacing God.
We have a great opportunity: to ensure that the imminent transition between the worlds is not from Carbon to Silicon, towards dehumanization, dependence and control, but from Carbon to Diamond, the natural evolution of Man towards his divine nature.
“From Carbon to Silicon – The Era of Transhumanist Technology” is available on Amazon