Next July will be the 76th anniversary of the events that took place in Roswell, which gave rise to those “frontier” studies known as ufology. As we retrace the storylines that led to the largest cover-up in history of human-alien contact on our planet, I want to remind our readers that this cover-up continues to this day.
From this point of view, this article of mine is not exclusively aimed at strengthening the evidence that, in those early days of July 1947, an unknown flying object, with the crew, fell from the sky in New Mexico, 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell. This article wants to do justice to those people who, as eyewitnesses, civil and military, many of whom are now deceased, were deliberately ignored and in some cases badly paid by their own government. Sometimes these witnesses were silenced or threatened to reduce them to silence and hide the truth about the “Roswell Crash”.
Even though, at this precise moment in time, the global cover-up machine has engulfed all the files and information still available on the “Roswell Files”, hiding them under the new acronym, UAP (Unidentifield Aerial Phenomena), which says everything and nothing, thus making a great service to those who, like some U.S. presidency spokesmen, have pompously stated that there is no document on UFOs or with this name in government archives (they changed the name in the archive folders NdA!), nor was any research ever conducted on such flying objects. That’s a good one!
First, I make everything disappear, and then I state that there is none of all that was previously leaked and proven about the phenomenon. It seems to me they want to fool us once again, even if there is a tenuous release of information controlled by the Deep State, not a real so-called “hard disclosure”.
What about that?
In the 1990s, the US government paid about two million dollars to experts in various fields, who were commissioned to ridicule the 1947 Roswell case, and report every fact connected to it, within a reliable and reworked explanation, to be fed to the media.
With this intervention, the writer, in his capacity as an expert of international reputation, a member of the board of the International Institute of Exopolitics directed by Dr. Michael Salla, 16 years ago on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the events, and in the presence of the son of the main protagonist, Major Jessse Marcel Sr., dismantled all the work done by the debunkers who drafted the report on Roswell, silencing, evidence in hand, those who asserted immediately after the events, and on the pages of the Roswell Report, that the major had taken “fireflies for lanterns”.
For this rehabilitation of the events and above all of Major Marcel Sr., I received considerable applause from the officer’s son, Colonel Jesse Marcel Jr., as well as from numerous experts even from overseas.
In today’s article, I will go over all the salient moments of my investigation, aimed at restoring credibility and prestige to those witnesses and researchers who wrote a beautiful page in the history of ufology about 76 years ago.
The facts
From July 1947, the date on which the unknown object fell in Roswell until the late seventies, the event that occurred in that remote location in New Mexico, has been forgotten in the most hidden depths of the memories of witnesses or in the dark of anonymous archives.
Suddenly, in the early eighties, thanks to researchers Stanton Friedman and William Moore, the case was reopened and almost all reliable witnesses recovered.
In more recent times, with the intensification of research by ufologists, and with the appearance of new high-level witnesses willing to tell the truth about the Roswell case, the military/government apparatus has also created its own counterpart of detractors of the event, with various answers (all laughable and sometimes trivial) to all the oppositions made by ufological researchers regarding the case.
I will now show you the most famous debunkings, and then discuss and refute their technical aspects.
The First and the Most Inflated: The Balloon Mogul

Then Lieutenant Irving Newton shows
the remains of the balloon
During the carrying out of the first tests on the atomic bomb, conducted by the United States of America, the need arose on the part of the US Secret Services to monitor the nuclear experimentation activity conducted in Russia. Therefore, a system of weather balloons was developed. To their ends a series of RAWIN model radar “reflectors” were connected, capable of transmitting to a radiosonde connected to the top of the balloon, the signals of any Russian nuclear tests. The balloon, which traveled at a very high altitude, was part of the so-called “MOGUL” project. The Americans launched several of them, followed at a distance by aircraft specially equipped for their recovery. Some of the balloons got lost along the way, others did their job. However, according to recently declassified defense documents, the Mogul project was nearly a fiasco.

Major Marcel
It must be said that in addition to the new statements by Major Marcel Sr. made on explicit orders from Gen. Ramey and which leaned towards the weather balloon, the meteorological officer of the eighth army, the then lieutenant Irving Newton, was called into question shown the actual wreckage of a weather balloon, and who recognized them as such. One detail escapes.
Besides Marcel, Cavitt, Brazel himself, Sheriff Wilcox, and other first-hand eyewitnesses that we will quote in the course of this brief investigation, the only one who has expressed a technical opinion on the wreckage is Newton.
His expertise was based, in addition to his experience, on a direct order from Brigadier General Ramey and on the wreckage seen at the Fort Worth base, which he was told came from the Roswell crash.

A Mogul balloon with the “Rawin” floodlights
So, he and other meteorological experts of the time expressed an opinion on what they were shown in a place other than the crash, and moreover on material provided by those who had every interest in denying the crash of a alien object other than the weather balloon.
Let us return for a moment to the accredited thesis of the weather balloon.
The vector of the instrumentation was composed, as I said, of a neoprene balloon, of some thin cables, which supported reflecting panels, called “Targets”, made of aluminum foil, and shaped by thin frames made of balsa wood. The measurements of each of these “Mogul” balloons varied according to the different instruments on board. For those launched in New Mexico, the number of “Targets” was four for each balloon.
Now, according to the first counter-information maneuver of the military apparatus, it would have been one of these off-course balloons that crashed in William Brazel’s Foster Ranch.
Let’s analyze the direct testimonials of the first civilians and soldiers who personally saw what had fallen to the ground.
- the first to find the wreckage of the strange object was the Rancher William “Mac” Brazel. He said that the wreckage of the same was numerous and scattered over a radius of more than a kilometer;
- the second to become aware of the event, was the county sheriff Wilcox, who warned Colonel Blanchard, who activated the officer of the Security Services of the Base of the 509 Bomb Group, Major Marcel, to go and check in person the place of the fall, in order to prepare suitable safety measures.
- At the same time, Blanchard orders the press officer of the base, Lieutenant Walther Haut, to issue a statement on the recovery of an extraterrestrial flying object. Haut carries out the order, and the media is activated;
- Sheriff Wilcox later went to the crash site, but found it already surrounded by a military cordon of security;
- In addition to Marcel, who had therefore seen every fragment of the crashed object, also the counterespionage agent Sheridan Cavitt was present on the site;
- Upon returning from the scene of the accident, once the station wagon has been loaded, Major Marcel passes by his house and wakes up little Jesse jr. to which he shows a part of the wreckage, which little Marcel, now an adult, remembers perfectly.
So, up to this point we have at least six first-hand eyewitnesses, who saw and could touch the wreckage, and that almost all, except Cavitt (hands-on with the secret services), said it wasn’t wreckage of a weather balloon. We also have the testimony (which we will analyze later) of General DuBose, former chief of staff at the Eighth Army Air, and on whom the staff of the 509th Bomb Group depended, who appears in some photos of the time, next to Gen Ramey and the wreckage of a weather balloon.

The recovery of a FUGO balloon by military and FBI agents

Gen. Ramey and Col. Du Bose
From the base, as well as several trucks with soldiers who were to fence off the area and military police, crane trucks and empty trucks arrived.
Now, reasoning in this sense, what was the meaning of the crane and the trucks to collect some wreckage of a miserable weather balloon?
And above all, what reason was there to implement such coercive security measures, such as to threaten the death of some direct witnesses, if it was a question of an aerostatic balloon?
The data provided by the Eighth Army were that the crash had been caused by a weather balloon with foil targets, model “Rawin”, and were attributable to flight n.04 which, departing from the Alamogordo nuclear range in New Mexico, had gone off course, disappearing.
It should be noted that in the days leading up to the Roswell crash, there was an incredible “flap” of UFO sightings all over New Mexico. No less than sixteen were recorded in six days from 24 to 30 June 1947. Other sightings referred to the legendary Japanese balloon bombs, called “FUGO”, and launched in large numbers over the United States and from which no damage seems to have been received.

The “Trinity” nuclear test
The thing that has never been mentioned by researchers and let alone, even less by the military, is that during the execution of the first American nuclear test, at the Alamogordo Test Range in New Mexico, in the place known as Jornada del Muerto, two unknown flying objects were reported which during the nuclear detonation named “Trinity” (in honor of the Hindu deities Brahma Shiva and Vishnu), approached the “mushroom” produced by the explosion, as you can see from the original photos that I have elaborated.
Such sightings were repeated throughout the course of subsequent US nuclear tests, as evidenced by a declassified document on a sighting made at the White Sands range. Therefore, according to these facts, the military apparatus was, already in 1945, aware of the presence of unidentified flying objects, with extraordinary peculiarities (entering and exiting a mushroom cloud is not so normal!).
Ultimately, how is it possible that a weather balloon, however advanced, could require the use of a crane and several trucks to transport its wreckage?
And again, how is it possible that according to some reliable testimonies, the wreckage shown to the press was not one, but three or more balloons, to make up “mass”. A further question is why highly qualified personnel such as Major Marcel, head of intelligence at the Base, Commander Pilot Colonel Blanchard himself, and others who have come forward over the years, have been able to confuse a balloon with an alien object? It takes some inexperience! And again, as We must explain the threats made to Brazel, his consequent retraction that the wreckage was not of an unknown and much larger object, with the sudden appearance on his ranch of a dozen cold rooms, combined with a brand new pickup.
What did the military buy from Brazel?
I can only guess that after the “stick”, they used the classic and old “carrot”!
Among other things, for the sake of the record, some episodes of “discovery” of flying saucer models should be mentioned, attributed coincidentally, sometimes to models created by the army and to the famous Japanese FUGO baloons. The first case concerns a flying saucer model found by the North Hollywod Fire Brigade, published in the major US newspapers a few days after the events in Roswell.
The second, however, concerns the demonstration that the Captain of the US Army B.B. Zacharias of Fort Douglas, Utah, offers reporters on how to build a fake UFO.
It is very strange that only after the Roswell crash, the army has worked so hard to prove that aliens and UFOs do not exist. Did they have all this time to waste, even though the world war wasn’t over yet?
Move Two: The Parachute Test Versus The Dummies Thesis
The other theory of the military/government debunkers on Roswell, is presented in the controversial Roswell crash report, compiled 50 years later by the United States Air Force, tending to demonstrate, with great use of experts, calculations and more or less questionable reports, that in 1947 a large number of witnesses, civilians and soldiers, most of them qualified at the material time to pass judgment on the nature of the object and alleged alien bodies crashed, have taken fireflies for lanterns and have confused some things with others.
In this specific case, not being able to support the thesis of the weather balloon for long, they formulate two hypotheses on the bodies recovered in the crash. The first concerns some tests carried out by professional paratroopers on high-altitude launch equipment, who during one of these had an accident, crashing to the ground, remaining alive but with blunt trauma such as to cause in those who saw them, the sensation of being facing an alien being, with oriental somatic features. The following photo (to which I will return later), shows Captain Dan Fulgham, stationed at Wright Field Air Force Base and test pilot of these special parachutes, pictured after a jumping accident, his face swollen from the violent impact with the ground.

Captain Dan Fulgham
But could a sane mind really think of being in front of an alien, seeing a person in these conditions? What about the ability to speak? Is it lost after the flight accident?
It takes some imagination to mistake Captain Fulgham for an alien!!
But lies have short legs, and since Captain Fulgham will certainly have been hospitalized in the area hospitals, for further investigations, there have been searches in the 1947 records of all the hospitals around Roswell, specialized in this type of traumatology.
The researches carried out up to April 1959 yielded negative results.
Unexpectedly, I find a copy of a medical report, made out to the Captain of the USA Air Force Dan Fulgham, who resorted to the care of the Medical Captain Lesile E. RASON at the Emergency Department of the USAF Hospital at the Holloman base – New Mexico, precisely following a parachute jumping accident that occurred on May 21, 1959. Mind you, the year is 1959 and not 1947!

Captain Dan Fulgham’s Medical Report
Anyone who did spent so many US dollars to pay for a study tending to deny the alien evidence in the “Roswell Crash” case, does not remember that no tests on parachutes or aerial survival material were performed in that area, but these tests were carried out at the Army Material Command area at Wright Field – Ohio, now Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
How many dollars wasted in modern times, to prove that a fact of the past, which is now in the past, does not correspond to the truth!
The enigma of the “Chute tests dummies”
Now let’s move on to analyze another debunking maneuver based on the blunder that would have taken further witnesses with reliability and 90/100% trusted credentials.
The USAF, in the report on Roswell, indicates that the alleged alien bodies seen by various witnesses, military and civilians (also revealed in recent times), one of which is certainly the late Colonel Corso, others would have been none other than dummies used in parachute tests for aircraft pilots and high-altitude barometric capsules. The report mentions some locations where, according to the experts of the party, they identified the places of the tests in 1947. One of these is Roswell.
Well, assuming that they were test dummies, some hypotheses could be formulated:
- the officers and pe officers of the US Army and Air Force, who claim to have seen lifeless bodies from the Roswell crash and who say they were not terrestrial ones, although they were very expert in their own sphere of competence, they were wrong;
- the US military apparatus has entrusted these same people, judged incompetent in this case, with positions of high responsibility before, during and after the Roswell events;
- once this last hypothesis has been formulated, it is clear that the US military apparatus was managed in 1947 by a bunch of incompetent and liars (we can discuss this nowadays, but this is not the place). How did they manage to create a military that is ultimately the most powerful army in the world? It’s hard for me to think about this.
However, they were not satisfied by having performed the first own goal, the report on Roswell continues by illustrating the images of the tests on the dummies (to which I will return later, together with the case of Captain Fulgham), which are shown in all possible ways. Here are some photos.
I think that sane people, and above all with a technical/professional as well as military background, would never exchange mannequins like the ones I have illustrated in these pages with non-terrestrial or alien beings. To you the considerations.
The thesis of deceased Japanese prisoners of war, used as parachute tests
Even around this hypothesis, pushed forward by the American debunkers, there is a suspicion that deserves further investigation.
Indeed, the thesis that during the Second World War some prisoners from concentration camps (dead or still alive!) were used is correct, but it must be attributed to the Nazi criminal scientists, who, in addition to the bestiality committed at the time, they committed that of throwing Jewish men and women or prisoners in concentration camps into the void, for the sole purpose of testing their parachutes for fighter pilots and Fallshirmjaeger Units (paratroopers).
To my knowledge, there is no photo produced by American debunkers showing the corpse of a Japanese victim used for this type of testing.
Among other things, the enigma of the recovered alien bodies has been widely debated.
Think of the story given by the Roswell funeral director, Glen Dennis, who affirmed over the years, without ever contradicting himself, that in the first days of July 1947, a person in charge of the air base of the 509th Bomb Group (Bombers Nuclear!), asked him how he could go about preserving bodies without altering their biochemical characteristics for a certain amount of time. Dennis replied that formalin could be used. At the same time, Colonel Corso also revealed that he had seen, during his service at Wright Patterson, some wooden crates, containing containers with some non-terrestrial bodies, immersed in a kind of liquid.
Returning to Glenn Dennis, he claimed to have had a romantic relationship with an officer of the Women’s Health Corps, at the Roswell base. She, visibly shocked, made him a drawing of what she had seen in the autopsy room of the military hospital.
By juxtaposing the images of Captain Fulgham, the mannequins and the reconstruction of what Dennis’s friend saw, we understand that the debunking castle created by the Military Report on Roswell has tissue paper foundations.
From a technical point of view, the tests of a certain level for high-altitude flight equipment on dummies began in a period following 1947. In fact, to test the characteristics of the new parachutes and harnesses, etc., a sort of “bell” or launch cabin was used, carried aloft by one or more balloons, from which to make the “jumps” and thus test the equipment with a particular type of dummy called “Sierra Sam“.
Later, a sort of detection capsule, with an unusual shape, was used for high-altitude surveys, connected to a “gondola” supported by a huge balloon. If we want, it is possible to mistake these “Bells” for unknown flying objects, but it would be a stretch to define them as aliens, as it is very clear that they are hanging from something that supports them. This later made it possible to test the same capsules, with human personnel on board, testers of this material. But we were in the fifties and not in 1947, as evidenced by the documentation on test launches with the “dummies” modified for high-altitude launches. At this point, I would say that a substantial discredit has been thrown on the witnesses of the “Roswell Case”, by ignoring their statements, even if by threatening them with death.
And all this to protect a weather balloon or dummies (used in 1950)? It seems so absurd to me!!
General Ramey’s message
During the press conference organized in Fort Worth by General Ramey, to discredit the thesis of the crashed alien flying object, one can catch a glimpse, in one of the archive photos taken by the official photographer James Bond Johnson, the text written on a message in the general’s left hand, who “carelessly” addresses the written part to the photographic lens. picture
After various attempts made by many experts in computer graphics and character reconstruction, among which Dr. James Rudiak’s thesis stands out the most, I too tried a textual reconstruction of this strange message. It must be said that the message was compiled by Ramey, to communicate to the High Command at the Pentagon, probably to General Spats, the outcome of what was recovered in Roswell.
It is clear that my conclusions, like those of other researchers and scholars of this message, can be revised and therefore susceptible to updates, but what matters is that using a simple graphics processing program such as Paint Shop Pro 8.0, I was able to visualize some easily recognizable characters.
Readers must be reminded that to this day it is very difficult to be able to read other fragments of the original message, which I reproduce here in the image. For this reason, I will go into its textual elaboration, limited to the legible fragments in 1st and 2nd degree (the more intuitive ones), leaving the rest to further analyzes which could give, if done at this moment, different understandings of the meaning.
- In the first line immediately after the General’s left thumb, the word “OF THE VICTIMS” can be clearly read, the rest appears very blurred and distorted, due to the original angle and folds of the sheet, so much so that in the state of things, its reading could give rise to interpretative strains, which do not fall within my intentions;
- on the second line, you can read the phrase “THE DISK”, and also in this case, I defer to the judgment of the reader, and to the fact that if new software for graphic textual processing emerges later, I could retrace my steps, and analyze the whole text.
At first glance, the details that emerged from the analysis of these fragments of text present in General Ramey’s message to his superiors seem to suggest that it is a sort of preliminary report on the Roswell crash, to inform those responsible at the Pentagon. However, it should be emphasized that the General, after having made a load of testimonies (some of which forced!) on the thesis of the fall of the weather balloon, expressly quoted the phrase “DISK” AND NOT “BALLOON” in the message. Secondly, it is not clear why Ramey, dealing with the recovery of fragments of a Rawin balloon, mentions the word “VICTIMS” in the message.
What victims could a Rawin balloon, like the ones I mentioned previously, have on board?
How come? First, I struggle to get all the witnesses involved to publicly support the thesis of the weather balloon, then on the message I quote “VICTIMS” and “DISK” verbatim. Don’t tell me that they were code words that meant one thing instead of another, because it would be like saying that both Ramey and his interlocutors at the Pentagon had inverted cerebral hemispheres!!
Certainly, in my humble opinion, it would be simpler if Ramey had wanted to say in the complete text “…IN THE RECOVERY THERE ARE NO VICTIMS OF THE SHIPWRECK….” and “… THE THING WAS NOT A DISK……”! I agree that it takes just as much imagination to formulate this hypothesis, but we don’t discard anything, since even removing the word “DISK” from the context, the word “VICTIMS” always remains and it is not clear why Ramey inserted it.
As far as I’m concerned, the game is still open to research regarding this message. I’m sure we’ll see some interesting developments. If only we could have the original negative!!
Final Analysis: Major Marcel’s Service Record
I believe to be a person who is consistent with himself and, as a former military, who appreciates seriousness and hates injustice. Because of this ability of mine, I feel attracted to human figures who reflect seriousness, a sense of duty and correctness, whether expressed in a civil or military context. This is why I think that a real injustice has been done towards Major Marcel, pointing him out as a scapegoat for a gross mistake that he would have made, in identifying a UFO of alien origin, rather than a sounding balloon from the Mogul project.
I would like to invite readers to take a look at the curriculum and the characteristic evaluations compiled by his superiors, regarding Major Marcel before, during and after the Roswell Crash, drawing the necessary conclusions on their own.
Let’s start with those in times close to the Roswell events:
- Col. James Hopkins, June 30th,1946 – Roswell (Evaluation Sheet)
This is Marcel’s first post-war military assessment. We need it to compare future evaluations. As in many other ratings, the compiler emphasizes the hard work done by Marcel. In this case, the rating of him is slightly lowered regarding his organizational skills, strength and leadership activities. In any case, his other qualities are very marked, with an overall excellent rating.
- Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey, July 26th, 1946 Recommendations, following exercise CROSSROADS” (South Pacific)
General Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Army Air was already well informed about Marcel and the intelligence activity that took place before the events of Roswell. In this case, Ramey praises Marcel for the professionalism and overall intelligence demonstrated in the briefing for the personnel of the 509th Bomb Group, during the Crossroads exercise (atomic detonation tests in the South Pacific).
- General W.E. Kepner[1], August 16, 1946, “Recommendations” following the CROSSROADS exercise
Another recommendation for the CROSSROADS Exercise, this time written by Gen. Kepner, Commander in Chief of the US Air Force
Kepner praises Marcel for his “superior performance of duty.” These various recommendations indicate that Marcel enjoyed extreme technical competence to fully deal with US nuclear tests, passing as Generals Ramey and Kepner state: “enormous quantities of information necessary for the training of strategic bomber crews!“.
Marcel’s involvement in the experimental phases of the atomic bomb makes him a very unlikely candidate for the incompetence he would later demonstrate in the Roswell case, by supporting the thesis of the recovery of a flying saucer, which according to the debunkers, would have confused with a weather balloon. As well as in several passages within the evaluations expressed by his superiors, the hard work carried out by Marcel and his devotion to duty were mentioned.
At this juncture it is worth mentioning the proposal for the awarding of the “Army Commendation Ribbon” to Marcel by the Secretariat of War (compare it with the very similar recommendation written for Marcel by Admiral Blandy, in October 1948).
- Vice Admiral William H. P. Blandy, October 31st, 1946 – Annotation for the Crossroads Exercise
Blandy was a well-known World War II Admiral, Commander of the Joint Task Force and Supreme Commander of the Pacific Fleet. He personally wrote a short note of “recommendations” to Marcel so that he should be granted the permanent right to bear the “Army Commendation Ribbon“. Despite Blandy’s recommendation and the Secretariat of War’s prior recognition that Marcel could wear this award, he was later refused. This forced Blandy to compile a direct recommendation for Marcel in October 1948, many months after the Roswell events.
- William Blanchard, January 8th, 1947, Effectiveness Report, Roswell
The first of the three ratings compiled by the Commanding Officer (C/O) at Roswell. Compare that to Lt. Col. Payne Jennings’ and Blanchard’s two other assessments!
Blanchard considers Marcel’s work “Excellent” (compared to the ratings given by Hopkins and Jennings), and praises him for his experience in intelligence work and for his diligence and hard work.
This assessment was written while the 509th was on its way to become operational, on Feb. 19th, as a permanent atomic bomber base. Qualified personnel were trained and instructed on missions to meet operational requirements, by the very Major Marcel who was accused of mistaking fireflies for lanterns!
- Col. Payne Jennings, June 30th, 1947, Roswell Efficiency Report (page 1)
Jennings was the Deputy Commander of Roswell Base, and this assessment was compiled one week before the events of the UFO Crash. Later, Jennings was the pilot of the plane that transported Marcel and the remains of the crash to Fort Worth, to meet Gen. Ramey (the other was piloted by Captain Puppy Anderson).
Marcel was evidently not the kind of officer Jennings appreciated. This is one of the minimum ratings obtained by Marcel, as Jennings, unlike Blanchard and others, downgraded Marcel for excessive zeal and lack of imagination and initiative. The numerical rating, however, is almost identical to Blanchard’s, with the final rating being “Excellent“!
- Admiral William. H. P. Blandy, October 1947, Recommendation for the Crossroads Exercise.
Compiled by Blandy (now Supreme Commander of the Atlantic Fleet) after a decoration review board ignored Blandy’s previous personal recommendation so that Marcel might receive the “Army Commendation Ribbon”. This recommendation was written four months after the Roswell events. The fact that an Admiral of such importance would again make a recommendation is a good indication of the regard Marcel was held in, both before and after the events of Roswell. Almost identical to General Kepner’s recommendation of August 1946, it was evidently stimulated by him, underlining the essential contribution given by Marcel to the training of the crews during the Crossroads Exercise.
- William Blanchard, May 6th, 1948, Efficiency Report, Roswell
The first of Marcel’s evaluations in which Blanchard expresses high numerical estimates in all items, describing him as an intelligence officer with excellent qualities. Blanchard’s deep involvement in determining the events of Roswell, including the “flying saucer” press release, does not undermine Blanchard’s esteem for Marcel, to the detriment of the description of him as incompetent and reckless who exaggerated the events of Roswell and embarrassed his commander, who make them the debunkers.
In this umpteenth evaluation, there is only one slight negative voice regarding Blanchard’s comment on Marcel: “His only weakness is an inclination to magnify the problems with which he relates“. But a thorough reading of this statement, and the next, indicates that it was unlikely that Blanchard was referring to Marcel’s conclusions about the product of his work, but to something else (perhaps his tendencies towards perfectionism noted in the other evaluations, such as those by Jennings). Blanchard would never recommend Marcel for a higher intelligence post, deeming it “extremely reliable” in his next evaluation, if Marcel had a tendency to confuse a simple weather balloon with a flying saucer, publicly embarrassing Marcel! Note that Blanchard could not write that Marcel was an excellent and dynamic commander, extremely logical, efficient and well respected by everyone, while secretly, he tried to portray him as impulsive and incompetent!
This assessment is interesting due to what was stated by Colonel Thomas Dubose, later appointed General. General Ramey’s Chief of Staff, who later retracted Ramey’s weather balloon story. Dubose says he doesn’t know Marcel personally and that he trusts Blanchard’s assessment. Despite this, Dubose recommended Marcel for the Air Force Personnel Training School, which serves to prepare Officers for future command positions. Furthermore, Blanchard and Dubose (following Gen. Ramey’s advice), recommended Marcel’s promotion to Reserve Lieutenant Colonel in the following October and November, only 4 months after Roswell. Evidently, Dubose was informed about Marcel, even though he did not yet know him personally. Dubose met Marcel in Fort Worth during the events of Roswell, and he was a high-level eyewitness to what happened. So not only did Dubose have nothing negative to say about Marcel, but he highly recommended him for promotion and advanced training. All this after the Roswell events!
- William Blanchard, August 2nd, 1948, Report Efficiency, Roswell
Compiled around the time Marcel was transferred from Roswell to Washington for a higher intelligence assignment, the evaluation sheet bears personal and even extremely complimentary comments about Marcel but slightly lowers the numerical estimates compared to Blanchard’s previous statement.
The only significantly negative point is that Blanchard places Marcel at the bottom of eight officers of the same rank that he had rated in terms of overall usefulness in the Air Force. It is likely that this is due to the fact that, being Roswell the only advanced base for strategic nuclear bombing, and therefore with flight crews composed of the best elite, Marcel had to deal with pilots and on-board technicians, who notoriously were and are still rated much better than other staff. Furthermore, unlike other officers in force at Roswell, Marcel was a civilian conscript and not a graduate of the West Point Military Academy (while Col. Blanchard was).
It was and is the practice for Military Academy graduates to give preference to Academy conscripts. Likewise, since Roswell was a strategic bomber base and Blanchard was a pilot himself, he probably gave preference to pilots, who had an evaluative advantage over intelligence officers (it is normal that in the Air Force, most of the staff are pilots!). Similar comments lwere expressed by Gen. Ramey, where he stated that in his own opinion, Marcel was an excellent officer, but they would never make him General, since he did not have the the patent of pilot. However, Blanchard’s personal comments indicate otherwise, as he thought very highly of Marcel, both as an intelligence officer and as a person. It should be noted that Blanchard defines Marcel as extremely reliable and extremely qualified, recommending him for a higher intelligence position.
- John D. Ryan, August 12th, 1948, “Recommendation” – Roswell
Even if this were a routine “recommendation,” the Ryan’s annotation where he believes Marcel’s service was exemplary. Who was Ryan? He was the future Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. (Colonel Blanchard, now promoted to 4-Star General, was slated to take the post before Ryan, but died of a heart attack while in his office at the Pentagon in 1966!) When this recommendation was written for Marcel, Ryan was to replace Blanchard at Roswell as Operations Commander (C/O), while Blanchard was assigned as Director of Operations of the 8th Air Force at Fort Worth. By the time of the Roswell events, Ryan had been Ramey’s Operations Officer or A3. There is some circumstantial evidence linking him to the Roswell case. The day before General Ramey downsized the Roswell UFO with the weather balloon, Ryan held a press conference on radar targets mistaken for alien flying objects. Ryan’s comments and his position as the Fort Worth Operations Officer place him in the ideal position of someone who may have procured a balloon radar target as a cover story.
- Col. Ray McDuffee, June 30th 1949, Acting Officer’s Report of the Special Weapons Program – Pentagon – Washington D.C.
This is the first of two assessments compiled by McDuffee during Marcel’s new assignment with the Special Weapons Program. This was at the top of a secret program to control the development of Soviet nuclear capabilities. Marcel was assigned as the Officer in Charge of the WAR-ROOM, and Marcel’s job, contained in these assessments, was that of responsible for the explanatory briefings of the military intelligence, in which the special operatives were prepared. During this period, Marcel was also assigned the position of Assistant for Atomic Energy.
McDuffee is extremely impressed with Marcel’s handling of his assignment, his intelligence, and his technical background and intelligence background. Like Blanchard, McDuffy also praises Marcel’s high moral integrity, hard work, and high standards in completing tasks (nowadays he could be described as a workaholic with a strong sense of perfectionism).
- Colonel Ray McDuffee, July 30th, 1950, 2nd Report from the Acting Officer for the Special Weapons Program – Pentagon – Washington D.C.
It was compiled around the time Marcel was in the process of getting a quieter assignment. Very similar to the previous rating, Marcel is rated with slightly higher numerical estimates, which puts him in the higher rating category. The evaluation reviewing officer noted that the numerical estimates were too high, compared to the “9301” index expected for a “combat intelligence officer”. In any case, McDuffe makes a special note about Marcel, introducing him as a qualified “Combat Intelligence Officer.” In section VIth, which lists the content of Marcel’s assignment, he directly lists him as an Officer trained for higher operational assignments. It should be noted that Marcel would probably have written the report on the first Soviet atomic detonation for Truman at a later time.
Ultimately, what can we say? This article of mine, which tends to nullify the work of the various debunkers on the Roswell case, was based on real data and on some “inaccuracies” I found during the various issuing of official denials by the government on what really happened at Roswell in the month of July, 1947. Furthermore, I hope to have restored, with my modest contribution, that credibility to the various reliable witnesses of this affair, which has been questioned by pseudo scientists and government technicians, overpaid to draw up false reports and something shameful about the events that occurred.
Given this, I hope that this investigation of mine has truly given dignity to all the people involved in the events of July 1947 in Roswell, placing in the right and deserved position a man, a soldier, who deserves all our respect, both as a specialist in his sector, who as a human being, who had to, as the motto of our beloved Carabinieri says, “Silently Obey“.
All this for a series of orders received from above, having as an alibi the famous and inflated “National Security”, which is invoked when one wants to take away citizens’ right to information, in place of private/military/ industrial interests, which sometimes they have little that is social and ethical.
A sincere thank you to Lt. Colonel Jesse Marcel Sr. and to all the civilian and military witnesses who were caught in the vortex of this research which has lasted 76 years. Further thanks to the son of Lt. Col. Marcel, Jesse Jr. (R.I.P.), ED who carefully followed all the phases of my speech in Rome, on the occasion of that 60th anniversary of the events that directly involved his father, confirming that what fell from the sky that day in that remote town in New Mexico was not terrestrial.
For my part, a commitment to always be active in this research, to give citizens what is taken away from them for reasons of power and lobbying, that is, the freedom that makes us all equal in rights and duties, one another and between citizens of one Universe and those of others!
Until next time…
[1] Later Kepner became Chief of the US Air Force’s Atomic Energy Division and Special Weapons Group at the Pentagon. He may have been the one who requested that Marcel be assigned to the Special Weapons Project in the summer of 1948.