Category: Tenet22 Magazine 04
Tenet22 Visual Magazine n 4
Tenet22 Visual Magazine N4
Life is a precious gift, it is a sacred gift, and the sacredness of life must be protected, guarded and honored.
We have the task of celebrating it, constantly acting with Love and Respect towards ourselves and towards all the beings who cohabit this plane of existence, thus increasing the potential inherent in each of us, through the authentic spirit of Service.
Our inner greatness is mirrored in our outer actions!
The ancient knowledge which is encased in the human brain
The Law of Dimensions is takes place through the conscious use of delta waves and helps the manifestation of one’s reality on all dimensional Planes of Existence. Through the Law of Dimensions, and the consequent use of delta waves, we can create our reality on every plane of both our dimension and others.
Read MoreThe substance of light and its liberating goal
In order to embrace the nature of Consciousness, human beings should, first of all, learn to understand that they have the conscious ability to change the vibratory action of any electron or group of electrons that orbit within their personal sphere, whether it concerns the physical body, the private and working environment or the beings that compose them.
Read MoreUMA – The uniqueness of the soul message
UMA is an acronym that contains within a meaning that distinguishes it. Going beyond its expression of pure visual graphic art, each USM contains a frequency that transfers a specific and unique vibration at the precise moment of its creation. UMAs are vibrational activation codes for our Souls. USMs are a journey towards a new human dimension.
Read MoreSANDAHLIA – Sense and Meaning of a Saga
Sandahlia is the historical-epic saga that tells the story of the people who dared to challenge Rome: the Sardinian people of the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. These are historical events almost completely unknown to the general public, including the Sardinians themselves. And this is already sufficient motivation to set in motion one’s creative and organizational energies to give life to a project of such proportions. The goal is precisely to open a window (and from this window to be able to look with different eyes) on a historical period that almost all of the official academic historiography wanted to focus on Rome and its rise, first in Italy and then in the Mediterranean western, following the three victorious wars fought with the other great power of the future mare nostrum: Carthage.
Read MorePerfume and unconditional love
Life has taught me that learning can also come from seemingly insignificant, cheap or “low” vibrational events. The soul also learns from them… We fragment, we disperse, we incarnate, we limit ourselves, but somewhere, within us, there must still remain a trace, an imprint, a spark of that Energy from which we emanate and to which we cyclically reunite.
Read MoreLet’s pretend that
Let’s pretend that what we live are illusions that reality comes from old deeds. Let’s...
Read MoreThe eternal struggle
In this holographic world the reverse mirror draws your graph what you have chosen to experience...
Read MoreBeing born again
How many times has it happened to you that the present is full of the past not letting you see,...
Read MoreField of miracles of Gurá
This column is dedicated to all the writings collected after 2012 when I integrated a fragment of mine that had experienced concentration camps in its last incarnation.
I began from then on to perceive within me, a voice telling me the truth of life, in its harshness, without judgment, helping me to see love in every act of manifestation.