Category: Tenet22 Magazine 03
Tenet22 Visual Magazine n 3
Tenet22 Visual Magazine N3
As it is without, so it is within, and as above, so it is below!
We live in a time on Earth in which it is fundamental, more than ever, to strive for the harmonious union of polarities, first individually and then as a collective.
How to format a civilization
If we consider historical events not in isolation from each other, but as a whole, it is impossible not to detect some global processes that cannot be identified through a piecemeal study. As a result, events that took place in different countries and on different continents in certain historical periods have direct and indirect connections, which allows for a completely new assessment of the essence and background of many such processes. Thus, the mid-nineteenth century begins to appear as a clear turning point in world history.
Read MoreElectronic karma
Everything that lives and exists is constantly vibrating in the Intelligent Body and in the Love of God. Since God is All and dwells in every aspect of life, He has so many Messengers to assist Him. Like a chief executive of a large company, he does not deal with every single service existing in his vast organization but he avails himself of the assistance and collaboration of an innumerable host of trusted and well-trained beings who are fully connected with his Divine Intelligence, who in turn, they draw on other collaborators who report in detail on the various tasks performed in the different subspheres, and so on ad infinitum.
Read MoreFrequencies and harmonic vibrations in crystals
Traditional science, in its by now classic twentieth-century form (therefore obsolete and very backward compared to what branches of the new physics are revealing to us) has put certain and established things on one side, and the miraculous on the other. Well, there is one thing in nature around us that blends logic and miracle, this is the crystal!
Read MoreThe value of words
The fruit is the manifestation of the tree from which it comes. If it is juicy, sweet, tasty, it is telling us something about the tree, because everything it has is a gift from the tree. The tree must be healthy, it must be rich in sap. Simply observing the fruit or flower allows you to deduce many things about that tree. Words are our fruits and they say a lot about us. They talk about us, about how much the tree is in harmony or disharmony with existence.
Read MoreThe integration between male and female aspects
We are part of this cosmic miracle that we call life and we already exist in this union, and we are part of the Whole. I want to bring a very clear concept of integration, and that’s what I see if I observe the whole creation moving in unison in cycles that repeat themselves on different octaves with a masterful perfection: “We are already the One”, as we are an inseparable part of it. If we observe the Earth from above we cannot see men, animals or insects. We know that they live in this Aggregate System called Earth, how can we say that the Earth is part of the One. What is separate about us that makes us think that we should integrate? And from whom do we feel separated?
Read MoreKarma: the effort of melting away
It is truly interesting how, more than a century ago, in full rationalism, we came to theorize the existence of an “invisible” system, which escapes the analysis and control of conscious mind, and which, as Freud argued, governs our thoughts, our actions, our choices more than we imagine. In my eyes, the concept of karma has taken on an ever more complete form and meaning, particularly after encountering the Huna philosophy. According to this ancient knowledge, Karma and the Unconscious are closely associated.
Read MoreIf you need me
If you need me, you will never be able to love me. If you need me, you are not free and you would...
Read MoreWithout an I and without God
How would we live without an I and without a God? Free from every belonging free to express...
Read MoreGiving time to time
When I was little, I wanted to grow up to feel important, and mother used to say to me:...
Read MoreField of miracles of Gurá
This column is dedicated to all the writings collected after 2012 when I integrated a fragment of mine that had experienced concentration camps in its last incarnation.
I began from then on to perceive within me, a voice telling me the truth of life, in its harshness, without judgment, helping me to see love in every act of manifestation.