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Category: Tenet22 Magazine 01

LUNP – Free university of new pedagogy

We are the outcome of our upbringing and, if we do not de-condition ourselves, we will pass down to our children the only model of education we know: the one we have been poorly “raised” with. I use the verb raise, which is normally used for animals, because it is the close to what children experience with a traditional education: what are we but cows to be “milked” from birth to death?

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Is it possible to change paradigm?

When was it where we started to submit ourselves to what it is called “a new normality? When did we start to give away our freedom of choice to the government? Can we, somehow, carry on nurturing new theories and new practices in order to experience a new human paradigm which will create a world that will make the difference for all the living beings and the Planet too?

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From numerology to numerosophy

Numbers are nothing but Divine Features that human beings experience here in duality…for example odd numbers carry a creative male energy, even numbers carry a welcoming female energy. Numbers can have neutral qualities, namely in balance, and they can have morbid or healthy ones, therefore negative or positive. Numbers have quantitative aspects, like in Mathematics, or qualitative ones, like in Numerology. Through Numbers we can “explain” Creation, the Path of the Initiate or the evolutionary progress mankind has to undertake in order to rise to other planes.

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Field of miracles of Gurá

This column is dedicated to all the writings collected after 2012 when I integrated a fragment of mine that had experienced concentration camps in its last incarnation.
I began from then on to perceive within me, a voice telling me the truth of life, in its harshness, without judgment, helping me to see love in every act of manifestation.

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