Author: Antonello Lupino

The MK-ULTRA project

To make readers better understand what I am going to talk about, it is necessary to go back to our past, identifying some events related to well-known and lesser-known characters, and then to the present day to talk to you about what is happening and to draw together some considerations that are well suited even in the latest sad events of international geopolitics. This article of mine today is a part of the great work that I wrote some time ago on everything that revolves around the control of the masses. Therefore, in this part I will not delve into the issues related to the “Mannequin” projects; “Supersoldier”; “Monarch” and “Artchoke”, nor those related to esoteric Nazism, reserving for me any specific articles later.

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Roswell: counter-debunking a special event

In July 2023 it was the 76th anniversary of the events that took place in Roswell, which gave rise to those “frontier” studies known as ufology. As we retrace the storylines that led to the largest cover-up in history of human-alien contact on our planet, I want to remind our readers that this cover-up continues to this day. From this point of view, this article of mine is not exclusively aimed at strengthening the evidence that, in those early days of July 1947, an unknown flying object, with the crew, fell from the sky in New Mexico, 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell. This article wants to do justice to those people who, as eyewitnesses, civil and military, many of whom are now deceased, were deliberately ignored and in some cases badly paid by their own government. Sometimes these witnesses were silenced or threatened to reduce them to silence and hide the truth about the “Roswell Crash”.

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Is it possible to change paradigm?

When was it where we started to submit ourselves to what it is called “a new normality? When did we start to give away our freedom of choice to the government? Can we, somehow, carry on nurturing new theories and new practices in order to experience a new human paradigm which will create a world that will make the difference for all the living beings and the Planet too?

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Notes about the Great Tartaria – Part II

Prosegue questa ricerca basata sull’assunto che molte civiltà del passato, e con esse la loro cultura, in taluni casi molto sviluppata, siano cadute nell’oblio storico-culturale, semplicemente perché “fastidiose” nella realizzazione di interessi politici e privati, legati a conquiste territoriali, dominazioni varie, e soprattutto potere gestito da svariate “gilde”.

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Notes about “The Great Tartary” – part I

The first in a series of articles that will deal with one of the greatest mysteries in history, namely the “disappearance” of what was presumably one of the largest and most evolved empires in the world, characterized by an extremely sophisticated society in every respect.

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